Friday, October 14, 2011

Two evenings ago I had 3.6 ounces of ice cream after dinner. In the night I woke feeling discomfort with a blocked sinus. I've always thought it was chocolate that did that to me (and maybe it does, also), but now I have a new piece of information. Perhaps it was ice cream (and other dairy?) all along. More reasons to like using the One Bowl way of eating. It makes it easier to search for foods that don't agree well with me.

Then yesterday afternoon I met a friend in town for lunch and had talapia, rice and veggies. I usually eat the entire meal, but this time I brought half of it home with me. When I do that I often eat the rest of the meal later in the day (in addition to dinner). It's part of my problem with not being able to stop myself. Again, the image of one bowl made it so easy to leave it in the refrigerator overnight. I had oatmeal ready to cook in the morning, but I decided to have the rest
of the talapia instead. I love having lunch or dinner types of meals for breakfast. Lunch was a roasted veggie salad with a T. of dressing. I had one tiny piece of french bread with about 1/4 tsp of butter. All much less than I ordinarily have. Then for dinner (can you guess?) I had the oatmeal that I skipped this morning. I had a latte late morning and then a splurge of a second latte a little later. Two lattes in one day might happen only 2 or 3 times a year. Today was one of them.

I feel good about the meals I've had and the amounts this week. The slow cooker beans that didn't quite get done yesterday are on the stove right now cooking so that I can have them for both lunch and dinner tomorrow. I'll have a large salad, too.

Tonight, while I was eating the last half of my oatmeal, I stepped outside and ate the rest of it standing as I watched a dramatic sunset. Yes, standing, if the spot is beautiful and serence is recommended also while eating. This approach makes me happy.

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